if you don't see a credit listed here PLEASE let me know, i might have removed it on accident while updating :(
- the passport layout used in my about page was made by doqmeat! if you see it around, the notebook layout was also made by doq.
- kalechips created the tumblr-esque base html I used for most pages! i used the "notebook" layout found here. please see kale's license here, it's pretty neat!
- benjelter: console pixels in about page
- betty's graphics: spinning pepsi gif, www badge, and other old school gifs and graphics
- canva: assorted graphics including globe icon in passport page. if it's not listed here, it's probably from canva.
- PR flag
- foollovers: pretty dividers in about page
- fuzzy bubbles: google font for blog
- omfg: rosie now! button and flower pixels
- animal crossing bgs and small pixels
- pixelins: animal crossing 3ds graphic on itabag page
- teppy's layouts: teppy graphics
buttons and stamps
- eggramen: tumblrpocalypse
- caitsith: 3dsowner, fishytank, internetarchive, neocities
- stardustdreamz: button, tetoteto, most "now!" stamps, "you're telling me a queer coded this"